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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Bankruptcy Articles PLR Aticles

14 left out of 20.

The price is $10 for 5-500 word articles on bankruptcy. There will only be 20 sold.

Keyword: Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Word Count: 502

Understanding Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is completely different from chapter 7. When you file for chapter 13, you are making a plan to repay your debts instead of forgiving all of them. The creditors will get some money. However, the amount that you owe in debt will determine how much if any the creditors will receive.

Keyword: Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Word Count: 507

What Happens With a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

When you file a chapter 7 bankruptcy, you are asking the creditors and the court to forgive all of your debt. The only downfall to filing this type of bankruptcy is that you will undoubtedly have to surrender all your assets to the trustee for a sale.

Keyword: File Bankruptcy
Word Count: 505

What You Need To File Bankruptcy

When you are considering filing for bankruptcy, you will need to supply a lawyer all the needed information to start a bankruptcy filing. What you need for a bankruptcy is bank statements, pay stubs for all income, titles to vehicles, documents pertaining to 401K, pension and IRS accounts as well as all debts.

Keyword: Bankruptcy Attorney
Word Count: 510

Looking For A Bankruptcy Attorney

When you are contemplating bankruptcy, you will need to find a bankruptcy attorney. Looking for a bankruptcy lawyer can be time consuming, but it does not have to be that way. You need to keep a few tips in mind when looking for the attorney.

Keyword: Bankruptcy
Word Count: 506

Saving Your Home During A Bankruptcy

Do you own a home? Are you considering filing for bankruptcy? You need to take steps to protect your home if you want to keep it. First off, you can keep your home if you file a chapter 13 and have enough income to cover the monthly payment for three to five years until your debts are paid.

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